Abilities are the special rules granted by the chosen traits for your species and unit classes. Many abilities have a numerical modifier indicating the modifier applied.

(Armory) –These abilities have no cost by themselves. Instead this is the cost of taking the equipment on a model by model basis. Taking an Armory trait allows the unit type to equip special equipment and advanced weaponry granted by the trait. When a model is equipped with the weapon/equipment the second cost listed is applied. These costs are cumulative, as weapons/ equipment can have multiple attributes added to them to create specialized and exotic weapons. Armory Traits are listed in 5.2 Armories, and described fully in the Armory

(Powers)- Powers include psychic or magic abilities channeled from the Ether. These abilities are used to create new spells described fully in section 8. Powers



Abundant Resources X
Abundant Resources reduces the cost of common and special weapons and equipment by X. Abundant Resources stacks up to the maximum Age Bonus. Secondary Weapons are not discounted.

Accuracy X
Accuracy raises the Accuracy Range of ranged and throwing weapons by the amount listed in inches.

Adaptive Mutation X
This ability allows you to take a primary adaptation trait for an additional cost as a mutation trait. Add the cost of this trait and the one chosen to determine the total cost of the Adaptive Mutation.

Adaptive Science X
This ability allows you to take a Knowledge and Science trait at the increased cost of this trait, plus the cost of the trait chosen. This trait is now an adaptation and can be used to as a prerequisite for additional Science and Knowledge traits.

Advantageous Cover X
Advantageous Cover grants an additional bonus to cover. You must already be receiving a cover bonus and cannot move over your base movement while taking this additional bonus. As normal, Maximum Age Bonuses apply.

All Around Sight
Models with All Around Sight are harder to be Caught off Guard, so do not receive a - 1 to their MTN if they have already spent their action and are in melee combat. All Around Sight only effects a model’s MTN, not their Toughness.

Animal Sentries (Prerequisite: War Dogs)
Animal Sentries are War Dogs or similar creatures used to track and hunt. You may have a number of sentries equal to the model’s discipline. S:2 T:2 Mvmt:5// M:2 R:1 Def:3 // Dsc 2 W:1 CMD:1 // M(tn) 5, R(tn) 7 Each animal is 10pts each. If an opponent deploys a model within 18” of any animal in the pack, you may Release the Hounds. Release the Hounds: The Dogs leave their trainer and get a full movement and action immediately when the enemy model or models are placed on the board. (The enemy models may react as they would normally in a round with any reactionary activations). This is a pregame action, and occurs before the first round. The trainer may restrain the sentries if he so wishes.

Battlefield Objectives
A model with this ability can attempt to select an optional mission without a -1 Command Characteristic penalty. If the test is not successful, the model does not suffer a -1 command during the game.

Class Bonus X
A Class Bonus grants extra Unit Classes of the chosen type for your faction.

Only 25% of your model must be covered by terrain to get cover. This is increased from the normal 50%.

Craftsmanship X
Craftsmanship lowers the cost of advanced weapons and equipment attributes in your armory. This allows possibly for additional attributes above and beyond what is often available, creating some very unique and powerful items. For example, With Craftsman 2, attributes that cost 5 points would now cost 3. A class that has craftsmanship effects all advanced weapon attributes for your faction.

Critical Timing
Once per game, you may automatically win the Initiative without challenging it. Your opponent may challenge you in return, but with a -1 to his or her die roll.

Decrease X
A Decrease is a permanent change to a species or class. Decreases do stack from another evolutionary branch. You may not take a trait that Decreases any characteristic below 1. The characteristic altered by a decrease is listed by the ability. For example: Decrease Toughness 1 If an opposite characteristic is required, you may choose according to the following characteristics to decrease. Strength, Toughness, and movement are opposite to Discipline, Willpower, and Command Martial, Ranged, and Defense are opposite to Strength, Toughness, and Movement Discipline, Willpower, and Command are opposite to Martial, Ranged, and Defense

Degenerative Race X
Knowledge and Science Mandatory Traits are reduced by X. Remove a knowledge and science from the total known. For example: During Species creation, simply remove a trait selection. For Humanoids that would reduce knowledge and science traits from 1-2 Mandatory Traits to 0-1. During Unit Class creation, simply remove a knowledge and Science trait. Do remember that you cannot get rid of a traits pre-requisite, or Secondary Traits only primary trait.

Enhancement X
Enhancements are in-game increases most typically of characteristics. The enhancement will declare which characteristic is increased. These changes to characteristics can be due to, traits, equipment, powers, environmental effects, and so on. The characteristic altered by a decrease is listed by the ability. For example, Enhance Strength 1

Ethereal Fortitude X
The powers from the Ether can rapidly overload a caster. Ethereal Fortitude increases a casters mortal threshold by X. Humanoids have a mortal threshold of 12.

Ethereal Jump X
When moving faster than base movement, add +Xd6” movement to the moving model. This extra jump ignores terrain, interning models, threat ranges, and so on, as the model is moving through the ethereal. This jump can be timed to any place along the path of the model’s movement. The numerical modifier with the ability is the number of d6’s you roll for an ethereal jump.

Ethereal Sight X
Allows for full sight into the Ethereal. The numerical modifier listed on this trait denotes the range of this sight.

Feral Beasts X
All animals from the Animal Kinship evolutionary branch gain the Increase Strength ability.

Focus X
Focus allows for additional control while harnessing the power of the Ether. You may adjust one die roll by X when attempting to channel a power.

Foresight X
When activating (including being deployed) you may add a +X to one of the following characteristics: Ranged or RTN. This effect lasts until the beginning of the model’s next activation.

High Priest X
Leader classes gain +1 Command when on the battlefield (table) with other modelsthat have the Religious Faith ability. This applies to all Leader classes if this is taken as a species trait during the design of your species.

Hordes X
Hordes allows additional squads to combine into a single squad for the rest of the game. X is the number of additional squads that may join together.

Immunity make the model immune to damage or the effect of the Immunity. Fire Immunity for example would render the model immune to fire. A weapon that has a +1 Fire would grant immunity to the +1 Fire.

An Increase is a permanent change to a species or class. Decreases do not stack from other evolutionary branches. The characteristic or game effect altered by an Increase is listed by the ability. For example: Increase Strength 1, or Increase Critical Damage 1. In the case where you are able to choose which characteristic you can increase, you may select any characteristic you want. When abilities have an opposite, they are as follows Characteristic- Opposite Strength- Willpower Toughness- Ranged Movement- Command Marital- Defense Ranged- Martial Defense- Discipline Discipline- Toughness Willpower- Strength Command- Movement

The squad may infiltrate (redeploy) onto the enemy side of the board. May not be placed within 12” of an enemy model.

Knowledgeable Species X
This trait allows you to take a primary Knowledge and science trait as a mutation trait. X is the cost of trait. Add the cost of this trait and the one chosen to determine the total cost of the Knowledge and Science Trait

Lay of the Land X
Reduces the numerical value of each of your deployment zones by -1.

Low Light Vision
Low Light Vision grants normal vision during Dawn and Dusk battles.

Lycanthropy X
Lycanthropes start the game during twilight or night battles in Lycanthrope form. During any other time, if the Lycanthrope is wounded the beast may take over and trigger a transformation. Roll a d6, and if the result is equal to or less than the level (X) of Lycanthropy, the transformation is made. The transformation destroys any armor and discards any weapons or equipment the model has. Heal any damage the model has taken. During that round, the beast may only move at base movement, but may otherwise use actions like normal. Following rounds the Lycanthrope can act as normal. A Transformed Lycanthrope model is its own squad.

Mercenary Class
One chosen class will become mercenaries, allowing them to have access to any Advanced or Exotic equipment or weapons that your species has access to. Only one of each Advanced or Exotic weapon or equipment can be taken in your mercenary squads per game.

Model Size X
Model Size is an increase or decrease in the models base size. Humanoids default is a medium size base. X is the adjustment up or down from there. Model sizes in order are; Small, Medium, Large, X Large Model size bonuses; Large: +1 Threat Range X Large: +2 Threat Range

Monstrous Beast
A large beast used as a mount or as a war beast. These can be Lions, Tigers, Bears (oh my!), or other fantastic creatures. A model may only have one beast, and if a rider or trainer dies the Monstrous Beast will chase down the nearest enemy model on the table for melee combat. S:4 T:4 Mvmt:4 // M:3 R:1 Def:3 // Dsc 2 W:2 CMD:1 // M(tn) 6, R(tn) 7 with 2 attacks. Each animal is 45pts.

Mounted Charge
Horses and other large mounts may perform a mounted charge if their Movement is x2 or x3. This is a special charge, where the melee combat for the rider and mount takes place during movement instead of during an action. To perform a Mounted Charge, face the model in the direction of the charge and move it in a straight unobstructed line to its final destination. Any model, including the rider, whose threat range was passed through during this movement may participate in the charge’s melee combat. Charging Bonuses apply to both the rider and mount. Even though Charge Melee Combat occurs during movement, it still requires an action to perform.

Mounted Combat X
Being mounted gives the rider an advantage in combat granting Enhancement X to their martial Target number M(tn).

Natural Sprinter
When moving at x3 or x4 movement, you may add +2” to your total movement.

Night Sight
Allows for normal sight during Night Battles. This includes Dawn and Dusk Night effects.

Parrying X
Parrying provides a Deflection Bonus against attacks if you sacrifice a single attack for the deflection. This must be declared before any attack rolls are made. This lowers the result of the attack by the bonus number when determining if the attack hits. You can choose which attack you wish to try and deflect with your shield. This can prevent a critical hit by weakening the attack, or even deflect an attack completely from hitting. You may add this bonus to an existing deflection bonus, like when you are using a shield. In this case only can you use a parry to deflect coordinated attacks.

Pathfinder reduces the terrain Movement penalties by -1 when moving at Movement x1 or x2.

Poison X
Anyone wounded by a poison attack is poisoned for the duration of the game whether they make their save or not, lowering their toughness by X. Poison does stack on a model, although they may not survive the wound. Poison effects are handled during the effects phase at the end of the Game Round. Any attack result not strong enough to wound, (target automatically saves on a 1+ or better), ignores the Poison effects

Precognition X
When activating (including being deployed) you may add +X to one of the following characteristics: Martial or MTN. This effect lasts until the beginning of the model’s next activation.

Psychic Prowess
Models in the game that are moving through the Aether can be seen. This includes ethereal jumps. This allows models with Psychic Prowess to react to the model, and even strike at them with an ethereal weapon or effect.

Highly skilled in melee combat, warriors with this trait gain Quickness 1. The model with the highest Quickness number goes first in melee combat.

The squad may infiltrate (redeploy) on their own board side. Models may not be redeployed within 12” of an enemy model.

Enhancements are in-game increases most typically of characteristics. The enhancement will declare which characteristic is increased. These changes to characteristics can be due to, traits, equipment, powers, environmental effects, and so on.

Reduce Cover X
This trait reduces any cover bonuses of the target being attacked by X.

Regeneration X
During the Effects phase of the Game Round, a model with Regeneration may attempt to recover a wound with a successful Toughness Check. A successful test recovers X wounds. A model below 0 wounds cannot regenerate.

Religious Followers
Models with this ability are considered to be followers of your races beliefs. They can be used to help harness Faith Powers.

Religious Zealots
Models with this ability have given themselves over to their faith. They add to the Mortal Threshold for Faith Casters.

Remove Trait
This removes the declared trait from species or class. This is often used to remove penalties.

Restriction effects all the abilities granted by the trait, and puts limitations on their use or effect. For example, Restriction Melee Only would affect all the abilities granted by the trait to melee combat.

Resistance X
Resistance lowers the strength of an attack or effect versus environmental extremes. X being the amount the effect is lowered by. Environmental Extremes include Acid, Cold, Fire, Gases, and Radiation.

Set for the Charge
Squads with this trait are trained to receive a charge. As a reactionary Action, they can move up to base Movement (-1 for being a Reaction), and apply a “set for the charge” bonus to their attacks, which is equal to the charge bonus of the charging model. This only applies to models that are unengaged at the time when the charge is declared.

Shield Wall
Large Shields form a Wall. A model’s Movement is limited to base Movement while in a shield wall formation. A Shield Wall may be formed as a part of a movement action. This wall grants a Deflection bonus +1 to the Shield bonus for Large Shields.

Slave Population
Allows for the creation of Slave Classes with basic characteristics who can take only a single melee Primitive Weapon. These models cost half the cost of your base species. A penalty of -1 martial and -1 defense apply to slaves. Arming slaves still costs the points of a Primitive weapon. Slaves follow all the rules of Standard Unit Classes, but do not take up one of your Standard Class slots.

Spear and Shield
Fighting techniques specializing in spear and shield combat. This allows a spear (normally a two-handed weapon), to be used as a single-handed weapon with a shield in the other hand.

Species Variation
Species Variations often have significant changes to the Humanoid species. These often comes with characteristic changes and an evolutionary branch which defines variables within the Variant. Examples are Giants, Dwarves, Fey’rie, and more. Species Variant grants an additional trait that can only be taken within the same evolutionary branch as the Species Variant. The point cost of the additional trait must still apply.

Squad Size X
This trait adds to the Discipline of the class in regards to squad size for Standard Classes.

Surprise Assault
Any attacks from cover grant an Enhancement Martial 1

Tactical Sight X
When activating (including being deployed) you may add X to one of the following: Number of Units you can activate this round or Initiative. Tactical Sight last through the end of the current game round.

Taking the Initiative
Grants a +1 to Command when challenging for Initiative.

Trample X
Large mounts or creatures perform a mounted charge through other models to the distance of their charge. Only models that are smaller than the charging model can be trampled. A model can move out of the way with a reactionary activation or take a hit based on the strength of the charging model. A model that chooses to move out of the way can do so during the movement of the charge and then take part in the melee combat if the charging model is within threat range. The X value of the Trample ability designates how many models can be trampled. If the trampling model cannot trample any more models and moves into contact with another model, it stops its Movement and ends the charge.

Unarmed Combat
This allows the model to fight unarmed in melee combat without penalties. This gives a normal-sized or smaller model a 1” threat range in melee combat. Large-sized or bigger sized models have a 2” threat range. Fighting unarmed without the ability results in resolving melee combat attacks last after all others have been resolved.

War Dogs
Models with War Dogs may take as many war dogs or similar creatures as their Discipline. These animals will fight for their trainer and stay at his side, even if he dies. They will guard his body, attacking any enemy model that they can reach that comes within 8” of their slain master. S:2 T:3 Mvmt:4 // M:2 R:1 Def:3 // Dsc 2 W:1 CMD:1 // M(tn) 5, R(tn) 7 Each animal is 10pts each.

War Veterans
Squads with this trait can use a Veteran bonus for coordinated attacks instead of a Squad bonus.

Warhorse allows for the use of a Warhorse or similar creature to be used as a mount or for pulling various War Vehicles into battle. A Warhorse has the following Characteristics and point cost: S:3 T:4 Mvmt:5 // M:2 R:1 Def:2 // Dsc 2 W:1 CMD:1 // M(tn) 4, R(tn) 7 Each animal is 15pts each. *Mounted Charge, Trample 1 *Warhorses can be targeted and killed during a battle. Riderless Warhorses are no longer in play for game purposes.

Warhorse - Heavy Weight(Prerequisite: War Horse)
This trait allows for the use of a Heavy Weight Warhorse or similar creature for use as a mount or pulling various War Vehicles into battle. A Heavy Weight Warhorse has the following characteristics, special rules, and point costs: S:4 T:4 Mvmt:4 // M:2 R:1 Def:2 // Dsc 2 W:2 CMD:1 // M(tn) 4, R(tn) 6 Each animal is 30pts each. *Mounted Charge, Trample 2 *Warhorses can be targeted and killed during a battle. Riderless Warhorses are no longer in play for game purposes. *Heavy Warhorses ignore armor movement penalties of their rider.

Warhorse - Light Weight
This allows for Light Weight Warhorses or similar creatures to be used as a mount or for pulling War Vehicles into battle. A Light Weight Warhorse has the following characteristics and point cost: S:3 T:3 Mvmt:6 // M:2 R:1 Def:2 // Dsc 2 W:1 CMD:1 // M(tn) 4, R(tn) 8 Each animal is 20pts each. *Mounted Charge *Warhorses can be targeted and killed during a battle. Riderless Warhorses are no longer in play for game purposes.

Warrior Slaves
Gladiatorial Pits or training allows for Slaves to use weapons common to your species. Slave Classes have basic species characteristics. These models cost half the cost of your base species with a penalty of -1 martial and -1 defense. Slaves follow all the rules of Standard Unit Classes, but do not take up one of your Standard Class slots.

Weakness X
Resistance increases the strength of an attack or effect versus environmental extremes. X being the amount the effect is increased by. Environmental Extremes include Acid, Cold, Fire, Resonance, Electricity, Poison, and Radiation.

Weaponsmith allows you to add additional attributes up to X to a single advanced weapon or armor in your armory from any class. These are not restricted to a single category or class, nor does the item have to be usable by the Weaponsmith.